Contact the QPPC
The Queensland Police Pistol Club is located at Les Sampson Way, Belmont Shooting Complex, Old Cleveland Road, Belmont, in Brisbane. Turn immediately left after entering the Belmont shooting complex and follow the road around and past the archery club. Continue approximately 2oo meters until a fork in the road, stay to the right and enter Les Sampson Way. Follow Les Sampson Way (dirt road) until you reach the QPPC. As you first view the club area you will see an open area with a dirt track dissecting it to the right. The access track will lead you to a car park to the right and tin club house, and out buildings to the left.
Physical address is 1485 Old Cleveland Road, Belmont
Postal address is PO Box 955 Capalaba QLD 4157
Mobile: 0412 671 967
See the aerial map for actual range location: The Grey pin is the exact location of the QPPC Range Facility within the greater Belmont Shooting Complex.
Please email any inquiries you may have in relation to the club, club membership, club facilities, and range hire utilising the email contact forms below. The Club President or his delegate will endeavor to answer your inquiry as quickly as possible upon receipt.